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Personal Information Collection Statement

Version: 17 November 2023

This Personal Information Collection Statement shall be read in conjunction with our Privacy Policy Statement.

As part of VTech’s overall regulatory and governance policy, we comply with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (“PDPO”) of Hong Kong SAR. As already stated in our Privacy Policy Statement, this Personal Information Collection Statement informs Data Subjects (as defined under PDPO) of the purposes for which the personal data is collected, to whom it will be transferred and who is to handle data access and correction requests.

This statement is written in English and may be translated into other languages. In the event of any inconsistency between the English version and the translated version, the English version shall prevail.

1. Types of Personal Data Collected

In general, depending on the nature of the relationship[1] between the Data Subject and us, the personal data to be collected and/or held by us will generally include[2]:

(i) basic identification and personal information (such as name and gender);
(ii) contact details (such as email address and phone number); and
(iii) information collected by means of cookies (including but not limited to webpages visited and options chosen).

It is voluntary for the Data Subject to provide the personal data requested by us. However, if the Data Subject fails to provide the required personal data or if the personal data provided is inaccurate or incomplete, we may not be able to process request made by the Data Subject.

For Data Subjects who are our customers, additional personal data collected and/or held by us include:

(i) postal address.

It is voluntary for customers to provide the personal data requested by us. However, if a customer fails to provide the required personal data or if the personal data provided is inaccurate or incomplete, we may not be able to proceed with a purchase order or provide certain services to the customer.

For Data Subjects who are our contractors, additional personal data to be collected and/or held by us include:

(i) business address;
(ii) business phone number; and
(iii) personal data of the individuals acting for them and communicating on their behalf with us

It is voluntary for suppliers and business partners to provide the personal data requested by us. However, if suppliers or business partners fails to provide the required personal data or if the personal data provided is inaccurate or incomplete, we may not be able to proceed with any potential business transaction or completing any such transaction with them.

Job Applicants
For Data Subjects who are job applicants, additional personal data to be collected and/or held by us include:

(i) academic certificates and transcripts;
(ii) job references;
(iii) membership of professional bodies and qualifications; and
(iv) other information provided in the job application form.

It is in general voluntary for job applicants to provide the personal data requested by us. However, provision of certain personal data is obligatory before a job application may proceed. If a job applicant fails to provide the required personal data or if the personal data provided is inaccurate or incomplete, such application may not be accepted or processed.

For Data Subjects who are employees, additional personal data to be collected and/or held by us include:

(i) bank account numbers;
(ii) medical or health-related information; and
(iii) employment or engagement details and records.

Employees are required to provide personal data to us at the commencement of their employment and throughout the continuance of such relationship. If they do not provide the required personal data or if the personal data provided is inaccurate or incomplete, we may be unable to carry out some of our human resources, administrative and management functions including provision of employee benefits.

2. Purposes for which Personal Data is Collected and Retention Period

In general, depending on the nature of the relationship between the Data Subject and us, the personal data will be used for purposes including:

          (i) our provision of goods and services;
          (ii) handling enquires or complaints; and
          (iii) any other purposes reasonably related to any of the above.

We retain the personal data no longer than is necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes of collection (such as in the cases of customers and contractors) unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by applicable laws and regulations.

The personal data of customers will be used for additional purposes including:

          (i) general marketing research;
          (ii) planning of promotion events;
          (iii) direct marketing to which the Data Subject has consented;
          (iv) product warranty registration; and

          (v) any other purposes reasonably related to any of the above.

The personal data of suppliers and business partners will be used for additional purposes including:

          (i) credit rating assessment;
          (ii) planning of production plan and business expansion; and
          (iii) any other purposes reasonably related to any of the above.

Job Applicants
The personal data of job applicants will be used for additional purposes including:

          (i) assessment of suitability for a job vacancy or other suitable posts;
          (ii) obtaining references;
          (iii) verification of identity and qualifications;
          (iv) determination of the preliminary remuneration and benefits package to be offered to a selected job applicant; and
          (v) any other purposes reasonably related to any of the above.

Personal data of unsuccessful job applicants will be destroyed 6 months after rejection of the application.

The personal data of employees will be used for additional purposes including:

          (i) enabling staff management, planning and supervision;
          (ii) administering employment or engagement-related entitlements, compensation, payroll and benefits;
          (iii) preparing tax returns and statutory filings; and
          (iv) any other purposes reasonably related to any of the above.

We retain certain personal data of employees when they cease to be employed by us, and such data will be retained for no longer than seven years after their cessation of employment. Such data are required for residual employment-related matters relating to retirement benefits and allowing us to fulfil statutory obligations.

3. Transfer of Personal Data

In general, depending on the nature of the relationship between the Data Subjects and us and in connection with the purposes of collection, we may transfer your personal data to third parties only if necessary including:

         (i) entities engaged by us for the provision of services and supply of goods; and
         (ii) competent government, legal, regulatory, enforcement or judicial authorities which have jurisdiction over us.

It is voluntary for the Data Subject to provide the personal data requested by us. However, if the Data Subject fails to provide the required personal data or if the personal data provided is inaccurate or incomplete, we may not be able to process request made by the Data Subject.

We may transfer the personal data of customers to additional third parties including entities engaged by us for the provision of:

         (i) product repair and replacement services; and
         (ii) delivery, technology and maintenance services.

We may transfer the personal data of contractors to additional third parties including:

         (i) banks; and
         (ii) authorities processing the required registration of the business relationship between us and the contractors.

Job Applicants
We may transfer the personal data of job applicants to additional third parties including:

         (i) former employers and academic institutions; and
         (ii) service providers engaged by us for conducting background checks.

We may transfer the personal data of employees to additional third parties including:

         (i) banks;
         (ii) insurers and their agents;
         (iii) medical and dental practices;
         (iv) service providers such as external lawyers and other professional advisers; and
         (v) fund administrators or managers of provident fund schemes.

4. Data Access Request and Data Correction Request

A Data Subject is entitled to make a data access or data correction request pursuant to PDPO. All such requests shall be sent by either post or email to our Data Protection Officer, the contact details are set out at the end of this statement.

For data access request, please send us a completed data access request form which is available at

We will inform you of the outcome within 40 calendar days of your submission of the request and will give a reason if the request is refused. We may charge a reasonable fee for data access request.

By Post:
VTech Holdings Limited
23rd Floor, Tai Ping Industrial Centre, Block 1
57 Ting Kok Road, Tai Po
New TerritoriesHong Kong
Attn: Data Protection Officer

By Email:

[1] The categories: customers, contractors, job applicants and employees.
[2] Examples given are for illustrative purpose only, and any words following the terms “including”, “include”, “in particular”, “such as” or any similar expression shall be construed as illustrative and shall not limit the sense of the words, description, definition, phrase or term preceding those terms. The collection and the related purposes, and retention of the personal data and the scope beyond those stated in the illustration will observe all Data Protection Principles contained in the PDPO.

Privacy Policy

Version: 17 November 2023

VTech Holdings Limited, together with its subsidiaries and affiliates, (“VTech”, “us” or “we”) are committed to protecting the privacy of your personal data. We pledge to duly comply with applicable laws and regulations regarding personal data protection, including the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (“PDPO”) of Hong Kong SAR and the Data Protection Principles contained therein (“DPP”). This statement is our policy statement on how we collect, use and handle your personal data. It also describes your legal rights, including your right to make data access request and data correction request. When you visit our website, use our service, contact us or communicate with us, you may provide us with your personal data. Please read this statement carefully before furnishing us with any personal data.

This statement applies to VTech Holdings Limited and the websites operated by VTech Holdings Limited. It does not apply to the VTech affiliates operated in North America, Europe and certain countries, and the websites and services offered specifically in the respective countries, including but not limited to: VTech Communications, Inc. and its website; VTech Electronics North America, L.L.C. and its website; and LeapFrog Enterprises, Inc. and its website Those VTech affiliates and their websites have their own privacy policies, which may be found on each site.

We will communicate any material changes to this statement by posting the updated version on our website. Unless stated otherwise, the changes will be effective from the date of posting.

This statement is written in English and may be translated into other languages. In the event of any inconsistency between the English version and the translated version, the English version shall prevail.

1. Collection of Personal Data

VTech collects personal data for lawful purposes and by lawful and fair means. The personal data collected in relation to a specified purpose is adequate but not excessive in respect of the purpose. For the collection of personal data from an individual (“Data Subject” as defined under the PDPO), we will inform the Data Subject:

  1. the purpose(s) for which the personal data is to be collected and the groups of persons to whom the personal data may be transferred;
  2. whether it is obligatory or voluntary to supply the personal data, and the consequences of not supplying obligatory personal data;
  3. the right of the Data Subject to request access to and correction of personal data held by us; and
  4. the party responsible for handling data access and correction requests.

We collect personal data of Data Subjects in the ordinary course of our business and operation. In general, the Data Subjects include our:

  1. customers;
  2. contractors;
  3. job applicants; and
  4. employees.

We may collect personal data directly from a Data Subject when the individual interacts with us. We may also collect personal data of a Data Subject indirectly from third parties.

Our Personal Information Collection Statement states:

  1. the kind of personal data collected or held by us;
  2. the purposes for which we may use such personal data; and
  3. the classes of persons to whom the personal data may be transferred.

The collected personal data will be used or disclosed to third parties for the purposes:

  1. for which it is collected;
  2. as specified in the Personal Information Collection Statement; or
  3. as required or permitted by the PDPO and other applicable laws.Our website is not directed to individuals aged below 18. If we are aware that you are under 18, any personal data submitted by you via our website will be deleted.

Collection of Personal Data from the Use of Digital Platforms
You may note that certain data may be collected in your use of our digital platforms:

  1. A cookie is a small text file that is stored by your web browser on your computer. Every time you revisit our website, your web browser sends these cookies (“Cookies”) back to us so that we can customize your experience to better match your interests and preference, or to simply facilitate your use of our website.
  2. Generally, we use Cookies to help us operate our website and collect information about online activity. The information we collect via Cookies is usually statistical data about users’ browsing actions and patterns, and does not show personal details that identify you. We shall use the information we collect via Cookies for statistical analysis in order to operate, improve and personalize our website, and the products and services we offer.
  3. You can control how your web browser handles Cookies received from websites. You can choose to accept or decline Cookies from our website. However, if you turn off or refuse to accept Cookies from our website, you may not be able to use some of the features and functionality available on our website.
  4. A pixel tag (also known as a clear GIF or web beacon) is an invisible tag that may be placed on certain pages of our website but not on your computer. When you access these pages, pixel tags generate a generic notice of that visit. They usually work in conjunction with Cookies, registering when a particular computer visits a particular page. If you turn off Cookies, the pixel tag will simply detect an anonymous website visit.
  5. In addition, we may use Google Analytics (“Google Analytics”) or other similar tools provided by third parties to analyse user traffic patterns and user behaviour. Google Analytics generates statistical and other information about use of our website by means of Cookies, which are stored on your computer. Google Analytics will store and use the information, which we are not responsible therefor. You are invited to familiarize yourself with Google’s privacy policy or if applicable, the privacy policy of other tool providers to find out how they use Cookies, storage and use of the information.

Do Not Track Signals: Our systems do not currently recognize or respond to browser “Do Not Track” signals.

2. Collection of Personal Data from the Use of Digital Platforms

You may note that certain data may be collected in your use of our digital platforms:

Do Not Track Signals: Our systems do not currently recognize or respond to browser “Do Not Track” signals.

3. Direct Marketing

VTech may from time to time and with your consent, use your personal data to send you marketing materials about, including without limitation, our products, services, offers, promotions, campaigns and events.

You may opt out of receiving direct marketing communications at any time by post or by email to our Data Protection Officer, the contact details are set out at the end of this statement. In the case of direct marketing email, you may opt out by following the steps set out in the email.

4. Security of Personal Data

VTech takes all reasonably practicable steps and implement internal protocols to safeguard the security of the personal data held by us.

The personal data will be securely stored with restricted access by authorized personnel only. We utilize encryption/security software in data transmission. Personal data so transmitted will be in a secure format so that their privacy and security are guarded against unauthorized access or disclosure, accidental loss, alteration or destruction.

In addition, we adopt contractual or other means to prevent any personal data transferred to our data processors both within and outside Hong Kong (i) from being kept longer than is necessary for processing of the data; and (ii) from unauthorized or accidental access, processing, erasure, loss or use, if we are to engage any data processor.

VTech’s internal IT systems are developed and maintained by its in-house staff and selected third-party service provider. The third-party service provider does not have access to personal data stored in the IT system except when it is carrying out trouble-shooting on it under the supervision of our staff.

5. Accuracy and Retention Period of Personal Data

VTech takes all reasonably practicable steps to ensure the accuracy of the personal data held by us.

We retain the personal data no longer than is necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes of collection unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by applicable laws and regulations.

6. Data Access Request and Data Correction Request

A Data Subject is entitled to make a data access or data correction request pursuant to PDPO. All such requests shall be sent by either post or email to our Data Protection Officer, the contact details are set out at the end of this statement.

For data access requests, please send us a completed data access request form which is available at

We will inform the requestor of the outcome within 40 calendar days of the submission of the request and will give a reason if the request is refused. We may charge a reasonable fee for data access request.

7. Third-Party Websites

Our website may contain images of and hyperlinks to websites operated by third parties (“Linked Sites”). VTech is not responsible for the contents of any Linked Sites nor the privacy practices of the Linked Sites. You should remain alert when you exit from our website and access these Linked Sites, and check their privacy statements.

8. California Residents

VTech Holdings Limited does not do business in California. However, certain VTech affiliates do conduct business in California, specifically: VTech Electronics North America, L.L.C.; VTech Communications, Inc. and LeapFrog Enterprises, Inc. To learn about the personal information these businesses collect from consumers and how they use that information, and to exercise your rights including your privacy rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), please see the privacy policies of these companies: for VTech Electronics North America, L.L.C., visit:; for VTech Communications, Inc., visit:; for LeapFrog Enterprises, Inc., visit:

9. Contact Us

If you have any questions concerning this Privacy Policy Statement or our privacy practices, you may contact our Data Protection Officer by either post or email.

By Post:
VTech Holdings Limited
23rd Floor, Tai Ping Industrial Centre, Block 1
57 Ting Kok Road, Tai Po
New Territories
Hong Kong
Attn: Data Protection Officer

By Email:

Terms of Use

Version: 3 August 2015

VTech Holdings Limited and its affiliates (collectively “VTech”) appreciate your interest in our companies and your visit to our website (hereinafter named “Website”). The following terms and conditions set forth the basic rules that govern your use of our Website.

Please read these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to the terms stated below, please leave this Website now.

1. Agreement

Your use of our Website constitutes your agreement to comply with the following terms and conditions of use. Each time you use the Website, the current version of the terms and conditions will apply. Accordingly, when you use the Website, you should check and review any changes since the last version.

2. Modification
VTech may change the terms and conditions that govern your use of our Website from time to time, and your use of our Website after such changes constitutes your agreement to follow the terms and conditions as changed. In addition to changes in the terms and conditions, VTech may change, edit, delete or revise portions of the Website at any time without notice.
3. Restriction on Use of Contents and Intellectual Property Rights
The information, text, graphics, video files, sounds and links (hereinafter named “Contents”) on the Website are all owned by VTech and subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights protection. You shall not display, distribute, modify, perform, reproduce, re-post, sell or create derivative works based on, or otherwise use any Contents in any way for any public or commercial purpose without VTech’s prior written permission. Access to and use of our Website are solely for your personal information, education and communication to VTech. Except as specially set forth herein, VTech retains all rights, title and interests in all the Contents of our Website. Violation of these terms and conditions shall result in the immediate termination of your right to use the VTech’s Website and Contents. Any previously downloaded or printed copies of VTech’s Contents must be immediately destroyed.
4. Trademarks
The trademarks, logos, and service marks (collectively “Trademarks”) displayed on this Website are the registered and/or unregistered trademarks of VTech and others. Nothing contained on the Website or in this Agreement serves to grant to you, by implication, or otherwise, any license or right to use any Trademark displayed on this Website without the written permission of VTech or such third party that may own the displayed Trademark.
5. Website Updates
VTech undertakes no obligation to update, amend or clarify information on our Website, including without limitation, financial information. No specified update or refresh date applied in our Website should be taken to indicate that all information on our entire Website has been modified or updated. Please remember when reviewing information on our Website that such information may not represent the complete information available on a subject. In addition, subsequent events or changes in circumstances may cause existing information on our Website to become inaccurate or incomplete. Any news releases contained on our Website are dated to indicate the last time such information was modified by VTech. No other specified date or refresh date applied in our Website should be taken to indicate that information contained in archived press releases was updated past its initial publication date. VTech undertakes no obligation to update, amend or clarify previously published press releases.
6. User Comments and Other Submissions
While VTech desires to receive feedback from consumers, unless specifically requested by VTech in writing, please do not send VTech any creative or original concepts, ideas, materials or products, or confidential or proprietary information. All comments, feedback, ideas, suggestions or other information submitted or offered to VTech on or via our Website or otherwise (collectively “Submissions”) shall be and remain VTech’s property. Any such disclosure or offer of any Submissions shall constitute an assignment to VTech of all worldwide rights, titles and interest in all intellectual properties in the Submissions. Thus, VTech will own exclusively all such rights, titles and interests in any Submissions, and shall not be limited in any way in its use, commercial or otherwise, of any Submissions. VTech is and shall be under no obligation to maintain any Submissions in confidence, to make any payment for any Submissions, or to respond to any Submissions. You agree not to use this Website for any illegal or immoral purpose.
7. Limitation of Liability and Indemnification

By using this Website, you agree that:

a. Your use of this Website is at your own risk.

b. You assume full responsibility for all costs associated with services or equipment maintenance arising from the use of this Website. You shall compensate and indemnify VTech and hold it harmless from and against any and all damage claims costs and expense, including attorney fees, arising from or related to your use of this Website.

c. In no event will VTech or its affiliates or any party involved in creating, producing or delivering this Website be liable in any manner whatsoever for any incidental, consequential, indirect, special or punitive damages arising out of your access, use or inability to use this Website, or in connection with any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus or line or system failure (including loss profits, loss of business or data, business interruption, and damages that result from inaccuracy of the information or inconvenience, delay, or loss of the use of the Website). The foregoing limitations apply even if VTech or its affiliates or any other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

d. VTech reserves the right to change or delete any contents, or suspend or/and terminate your use of this Website at any time for any reason without notice, and shall not be liable for any loss arising from such change and in any way for possible consequences of such change. Since some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, the liability of VTech, its affiliates, agents, licensors and supplier in such jurisdictions shall be limited to the extent permitted by law.

e. The word “computer”, when used in these terms and conditions, refers to computers, smartphones and all other devices used for accessing the internet.

8. Disclaimer
The Contents provided on this Website is provided “as is” and VTech makes no warranty or representation, either express or implied, as to its use, availability, accuracy or performance. As a user, you assume all risks and responsibilities for its use or non-use and VTech makes no representation that the Contents appearing on or downloaded from this Website is compatible with your computer or free from error or viruses. No VTech employee, agent or representative is authorized to modify or amend this warranty. VTech disclaims all other warranties either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to this Website and the contents therein. VTech may revise or delete the Contents, in whole or in part, at any time without notice.
9. Links
VTech’s Website may contain “links” to non-VTech sites and it is possible that non-VTech sites also link to VTech Website. VTech is not responsible for the content or policies practiced by non-VTech Websites. The appearance of any link to other sites does not constitute or imply any approval or endorsement by VTech of the other sites. Your following any such links to other Websites is at your own risk.
10. Availability of Products and Services
The products and associated services offered by this Website may not be available in all countries or locations. The information provided on this Website does not imply or warrant that any particular product or service is available to you at your present location or at a future location to which you may relocate. You should enquire with VTech as to the availability of products and/or services in your particular location.
11. Termination
This Agreement is effective unless and until terminated by either you or VTech. You may terminate this Agreement at any time, however, the provisions of sections 3, 4, 6, 7 and 11 shall survive any such termination. VTech may also terminate this Agreement at any time and may do so immediately without notice, and accordingly deny you access to our Website if in VTech’s sole discretion you fail to comply with any term or provision of this Agreement. Upon any termination of this Agreement by either you or VTech, you must promptly destroy all materials downloaded or otherwise obtained from our Website, as well as copies of such materials, whether made under the terms of this Agreement or otherwise.
12. Severability
If any one or more of these terms and conditions, or their application in any circumstance, is held invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect for any reason, the validity, legality and enforceability of that term or condition in any other respect and the remaining terms and conditions shall not in any way be impaired.
13. Waiver
VTech’s failure to exercise or enforce any right or terms and conditions shall not constitute a waiver of such right or terms and conditions.
14. Choice of Law and Forum; Consent to Electronic Communications

Unless otherwise specified, the content and information contained on this Website is presented solely for your convenience. This Website is controlled and operated by VTech from its offices within the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. VTech makes no representation that any Contents or information is appropriate or available for use in other locations.

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Any dispute arising out of or relating to these Terms and Conditions or your access or use of this Website will be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

When you visit our Website or send emails to us, you are communicating with us electronically. You consent to receive communications from us electronically. We will communicate with you by email or by posting notices on this Website. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.

15. Privacy Statement
VTech is committed to protecting the privacy of the visitors to its Website. For information on how information is collected, used, or disclosed by VTech in connection with your use of this Website, please consult our Privacy Policy Statement. which is incorporated into this Terms of Use by reference.
16. Entire Agreement
The provisions and conditions of these Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and VTech related to the use of the Website and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings not incorporated herein. In the event that any inconsistencies exist between the Terms and Conditions and any future published Terms and Conditions or understanding, the last published Terms and Conditions shall take precedence
17. Complaints and Queries
Should you have any questions concerning this Agreement, or if you desire to contact VTech for any reason, please contact us by email to

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